Krishna School, Koyana Vasahat, Karad 02164-241670

Art Room

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”.
The Art Room at KCT’s Krishna School, Karad fosters creative and intellectual development of the students through quality visual arts programs, facilitated by the arts faculty. The art room drives each child to be curious and original in their work while they study variety of Art forms such as 2d, 3d Art and installations by exploring mediums like acrylic, charcoal, water, dry pastels, oil pastels, pencil colouring, clay, wires, Paper Mache etc. The periods in the Art Room offer each child a learning experience which teaches him or her to be a risk taker, thinker, inquirer and a good communicator in a safe environmet. They conceptualize themes and paint them. Students learn how to observe and how to execute their observation on the papers. They learn human figure drawing and painting too.
