Krishna School, Koyana Vasahat, Karad 02164-241670

Hon’ Founder Chairman Late Shri. Jaywantrao Bhosale

Learning leads to creativity, creativity to thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great.” – APJ Abdul Kalam This aptly suits our founder Late Hon' Shri Jayawantraoji Bhosale Bhosale Sir who is addressed as Appa saheb with love and affection. For him a school is a building that has four walls with tomorrow inside. Our founder Hon' Jaywantrao Bhosale (Appa) was born in a small village of Rethare B.K. in Satara District on 22 December 1924. His vision led to Krishna foundation. He was elected as a chairman of the first cooperative sugar factories in India in 1959. Under his leadership the industry underwent a transformation from nearly an industry to an instrument of social change. He was the member of the state legislative council. His foray into education started with the establishment of Shetkary Shikshan Prasarak Mandal in 1964. Mr. Jaywantrao Bhosale (Appa) embarked upon a journey to educate and create a new individual free from the shackles of conservative thinking and accepting new and modern way of thinking suitable for global community and creating dynamic young minds capable of meeting it with equinity and poise. The seed which he had sown years before has now grown into a huge tree with a lot of branches which are yielding their fruits. He has brought up the institutions like a paternal fatherly figure.